Birthday Fun…I hope Hey gang! As I write this, my birthday is still a ways off. But knowing that I’d be in parts unknown on my birthday, and since I wanted to actually make a blog post, I figured I’d do a cheap, “It’s my birthday and I’ll blog if I want to” post. đ
Posts Tagged ‘Random Thoughts’

I’m Still Here. ^_^;

I’m Still Here. đ Hey gang. I know it has been an insanely long time since I’ve done proper reviews. Real life is quite busy for me as I work 60+ hours every week, day and night. So when I have a bit of free time, I’m usually a mindless zombie. As such, outside of

Delays, Delays!

Delays, Delays! Hey folks! I just wanted to touch base and say, “yeah, I’m here.” I haven’t been able to stream of late, nor have I been able to blog. Even as I write this post, I still have not read the latest UQ Holder chapter. đ Work has been insanely busy (lots of non-continuous,

What Was the First Manga You Finished?

What Was the First Manga You Finished? Hey gang. I was asked, in a round about way, “what was the first manga you finished?” I had to actually stop and think about this. So let me retrace my steps by thinking first about what were the initial manga titles I got into. And then I

Merry Christmas 2020!

Merry Christmas 2020! Hey everyone! I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very, merry Christmas. It has been a rough 2020, but I hope Christmas will help things end on a higher note. I had hoped to do some sort of Christmas anime review. Specifically, I was thinking of Vandread. Maybe if

Three Best Anime from My History for New Anime Fans #ăăăăźăąăăĄæŽ3éž

Three Best Anime from My History for New Anime Fans I’m so busy of late, it has really been hard to watch anime. đ„ But I do sometimes become aware of things on Twitter than I find of interest. (You can follow me on Twitter if you want more of my babble– This time, the

Four Favorite Art Styles in Anime/Manga

Four Favorite Art Styles in Anime/Manga Well, another fun little game went around Twitter recently (you can see what rubbish I spew by following me on Twitter at was to name four favorite art styles in anime and manga. So I thought I’d give that a go. My Monster Secret (Manga) I love the