Slayers Evolution-R — Final Thoughts (SPOILERS) While taking the 2nd-half of Slayers Revolution and turning it into a separate series may have been a marketing ploy on the part of the Japanese, I decided that I didn’t mind this if the writers continued to attempt to shift the anime in line with how the novels
Posts Tagged ‘Slayers EVOLUTION-R’

Slayers Evolution-R 13 (Finale)

スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 13 (last episode) Slayers EVOLUTION-R Ep. 13 (final episode) Slayers Evolution-R 13 (Finale) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: With the Dark Lord, Ruby Eye Shabranigdu having come back to life, Xellos attacks what he refers to as the “Ghost of Shabranigdu” but his attack is easily thwarted. Shabranigdu increases in power and Xellos uses the

Slayers Evolution-R 12

スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 12 Slayers EVOLUTION-R Ep. 12 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Rezo’s resurrection in Pokota’s human body causes Xellos to react and quietly disappear. Rezo-Posel unseals Taforashia but since the people are all ill, they will die if they aren’t treated. Rezo-Posel has Zelgadiss help with a stop-gap treatment while Amelia sends a dove to Saillune

Slayers Evolution-R 11

Slayers Evolution-R 11 スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 11 Slayers EVOLUTION-R Ep. 11 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Pokota flees to Taforashia with Lina and company in pursuit. He makes it through the barrier and attempts to hurry to resurrect Rezo. Rezo (in the jar) tells him that it is pointless to rush since the ceremony to free Rezo has

Slayers Evolution-R 10

Slayers Evolution-R 10 スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 10 Slayers EVOLUTION-R Ep. 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: While camping for the night, Zelgadiss steals the Hellmaster Jar and escapes. Pokota awakens to discover it is missing, so he, Lina, Amelia, and Ozel fly off to find Zelgadiss leaving Gourry to follow on the ground. Zelgadiss has decided to force

Slayers Evolution-R 09

スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 09 Slayers EVOLUTION-R Ep. 09 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: After burying Abel and Radok, Pokota and Zelgadiss get into a squabble over what to do with the jar next. Lina solves the problem by getting Ozel to acknowledge her as the owner of the jar. Now Ozel protects the Hellmaster Jar for Lina but

Slayers Evolution-R 08

Slayers Evolution-R 08 スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 08 Slayers EVOLUTION-R Ep. 08 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Radok decides he is going on a business trip and though the others suspect that Zuuma will surely nail them, Lina agrees. She explains to the others her reasons and the trip is on with Lina and Pokota riding in the carriage

Slayers Evolution-R 07

Slayers Evolution-R 07 スレイヤーズ EVOLUTION-R Episode 07 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It’s morning at Radok’s mansion and after getting up, Lina and company discuss current events including the relationship between Ozel, Zuuma, and Radok (which causes Gourry to short circuit). After breakfast, Lina, Gourry, and Pokota observe the ever suspicious Abel talking with Ozel as she hangs