SPACE BATTLESHIP ヤマト SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A fleet from Earth goes out to meet the fleet from Gamilus, but are easily defeated. Captain Kodai, of the warship Yukikaze, tells Captain Okita to get out lest they all be destroyed and provides cover for Okita’s ship to escape. On the now poisoned and irradiated Earth, Captain Kodai’s
Posts Tagged ‘Space Battleship Yamato Live Action’

Skydance Productions (and others) Apparently Want “Star Blazers”, Not “Space Battleship Yamato”

Skydance Productions (and others) Apparently Want “Star Blazers”, Not “Space Battleship Yamato” I was reading what AICN reported about the attempts by Skydance Productions and possibly even Lucasfilm going after the rights to do a Star Blazers live-action film rather than a Hollywood treatment of Space Battleship Yamato. Well, you guys know my negative feelings

A Little Live-action Space Battleship Yamato Love (Because I Can)

A Little Live-action Space Battleship Yamato Love (Because I Can) I had planned to have my review of Space Battleship Yamato Rebirth (or “Revival,” depending on your source) up today, but plans change thanks to real life concerns. I think I’ll get to have it up tomorrow though. In the meantime, the live-action Space Battleship