A Certain Scientific Urusei Yatsura Hi everybody! Well, yesterday’s adventure in food, drink, and time with friends took longer than expected. As such, it is time for another filler post. Again, I’m going to the work of A Certain Scientific Railgun and A Certain Magical Index fan raika9. Check it out. This time, raika9 has
Posts Tagged ‘Urusei Yatsura’

Urusei Yatsura: The Final Chapter (Movie) Review

Urusei Yatsura – Kanketsuhen Movie Review うる星やつら 完結編 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum awakes in class from a nightmare, accidentally electrocuting Onsen-sensei. After class, Lum tries telling the dream to Ataru, who’s not really interested in anything but the girl hunt. Sakura-sensei and Cherry both detect bad omens. They inform Ataru of this, inviting him to the local

Urusei Yatsura Always My Darling (Movie 6) Review

Urusei Yatsura: Itsudatte My Darling Movie Review うる星やつら いつだって・マイ・ダーリン SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It is a Japanese summer festival and Oyuki and Benten have dropped in for the fun. Ataru is doing his girl-hunt as four, small alien beings, dressed in Arabian-type garb, hunt for him since Ataru is the most lecherous person in the universe. The four

Urusei Yatsura: Lum the Forever (Movie 4) Review

うる星やつら4 ラム・ザ・フォーエバー Urusei Yatsura 4 – Lum the Forever Movie Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Shuutaro is ferrying Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, and Lum’s guards in a van after finishing shooting a film for the day. A power outage hits Tomobiki-cho as they arrive in town. At school the next day, Lum and Ran have lots of small birds

Urusei Yatsura: Remember My Love (Movie 3)

うる星やつら3 リメンバー・マイ・ラブ Urusei Yatsura 3 Remember My Love Movie Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: In 1967 on a mostly deserted asteroid, the Old Woman of the Oak Forest is furious at not having received an invitation to the celebration of Lum’s birth. Thus, she has a curse created in the form of a crystal ball to prevent

Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer (Movie 2)

うる星やつら2 ビューティフル・ドリーマー Urusei Yatsura Beautiful Dreamer (Movie 2) Review SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ataru, Lum, and others from their class are relaxing in the ruins of Tomobiki-cho, Ataru looking exhausted. In the past, Ataru’s class are preparing a World War II themed cafe, complete with a Leopard tank from Shuutaro. Lum is looking for Ataru, who’s crashed out

Urusei Yatsura: Only You (Movie)

うる星やつら オンリー・ユー Urusei Yatsura: Only You Urusei Yatsura Movie 1 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Eleven years earlier, a boy named Ataru played with an alien girl named Elle and became engaged to her. In the present, invitations go out to everyone Ataru knows, so the school is talking about Ataru two-timing Lum and wondering who Elle is. Megane

Urusei Yatsura OVA – 12 – The Obstacle Course Swim Meet

うる星やつら OVA episode 12 (OAV anime) Urusei Yatsura OVA Ep. 12 review うる星やつら ザ・障害物水泳大会 It’s a Rumic World Urusei Yatsura – The Shogaibutsu Suiei Taikai SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Lum brings Ataru a special, cooling wind chime from Oyuki, and though Ataru likes its cooling effect on such a hot night, he is dismissive of Lum’s efforts,