ダーティペア (TV Anime) Episode 12 Review Dirty Pair – 12 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Yuri and Kei arrive at the 3WA HQ to find the building in lock down as the top secret security system named Algernon has been stolen. Gooley agrees to give the pair an extra week of vacation and they report to the head
Posts Tagged ‘Dirty Pair’

Dirty Pair – 11

ダーティペア (TV Anime) Episode 11 Review Dirty Pair – 11 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Having worked for two months without a day off, Kei and Yuri complain about this to Gooley, their supervisor. He tells them that after they complete their current job, they can have a week off without pay, so Yuri and Kei blow up

Dirty Pair Lovin’

Dirty Pair Lovin’ I’ve been wanting to blog the rest of the Dirty Pair TV series for a long time, but sadly, I’ve only managed the first ten episodes. That will soon change as I now have the ability to watch the rest of the series and thus will blog the rest of this classic

Dirty Pair 10

ダーティペア Episode 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: On Planet Caspia, King Louis VII has a heart attack. As such, Lovey Angels are dispatched to the planet to receive instructions from the government there. The king has died and it is being kept secret so that Prince Heace can be safely brought back from Planet Mordolin, where he
Dirty Pair OVA 10 (finale)

ダーティペア OVA Episode 10Dirty Pair OAV 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: After another independent cargo hauler ship is destroyed, the “truckers” at the Pawarnue Cargo Station are not keen to make any more runs. However, a couple of new girls, Kei and Yuri under cover, are loading cargo onto another hauler. The boss, Jayd, questions their motives
Dirty Pair OVA 09

ダーティペア OVA Episode 09Dirty Pair OAV 09 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: A troop of rebel soldiers, anticipating an end to the war they are in, is attacked by a group of five superior soldiers who start slaughtering all the rebels. One of the rebels manages to nick one of the attackers in the ear with his shot

Dirty Pair OVA 08

ダーティペア OVA Episode 08 Dirty Pair OAV 08 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The space cruise ship, White Swan, comes under attack by masked gunman who gas the passengers to death. One, Dr. Nea, races to his daughters quarters and takes her to a cold sleep escape pod along with her stuff animal dog (from which a microchip

Dirty Pair OVA 07

ダーティペア OVA Episode 07 Dirty Pair OAV 07 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Hard Muscle (known on the street as “Hustle”) is a new drug whereby the user injects himself and gains muscle mass as well as a lack of pain. However, the use of Hustle has also seen an increase in the number of violent crimes and