Interview with Full Metal Panic Creator Hey gang! It has been really busy, but I still become aware of things from time to time. This time, the British anime distro company All the Anime did a video with Full Metal Panic creator, GATOH Shoji. They posted the SHORT, first part of the interview on YouTube.
Posts Tagged ‘Full Metal Panic’

Interview with “Full Metal Panic” Creator

Five Excellent Non-Shounen Anime

Five Excellent Non-Shounen Anime My friend Ochan30 and Twwk (indirectly) encouraged me to pick five, excellent, non-shounen anime titles. As I poured though what I consider to be really good, non-shounen titles, I found that they were all seinen titles. 😂 Note: Although Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki (OVA) is a seinen anime series and my favorite

“Full Metal Panic!” about to return.

“Full Metal Panic!” about to return. Hey gang! Wow. This month has seen the return of two old favorite anime titles. First was the announcement for Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 4. More recently, the action-adventure (with romantic-comedy on the side) mecha series Full Metal Panic looks like it will finally get an anime conclusion. For

The Japanese Woman and the Purse Snatcher

This is an older video that was only recently brought to my attention of a Japanese woman in an elevator and a man who attempts to snatch her purse. The video is most likely staged, but that’s not the point. When I saw this, I immediately thought of one of the Full Metal Panic

I’m Missing Full Metal Panic

I’m Missing Full Metal Panic I was reading a bit more about the announcement of more Shakugan no Shana goodness and then the rumor that we may be in for a new Inuyasha series this fall. For some reason, this made me start thinking about one of my favorite franchises, Full Metal Panic. I know

Live-action “Full Metal Panic?” Say It Ain’t So!

Live-action “Full Metal Panic?” Say It Ain’t So! I see on Sci-Fi Wire that Mandalay Pictures now has the rights to create a Full Metal Panic motion picture. Hmmmm. Zac Efron is rumored to be attached to the project. Hmmmm. I’m all down for live-action adaptations but frankly, I don’t trust Hollywood to produce any