Five Excellent Non-Shounen Anime My friend Ochan30 and Twwk (indirectly) encouraged me to pick five, excellent, non-shounen anime titles. As I poured though what I consider to be really good, non-shounen titles, I found that they were all seinen titles. 😂 Note: Although Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki (OVA) is a seinen anime series and my favorite
Posts Tagged ‘Ai Yori Aoshi’

Ai Yori Aoshi’s Aoi-chan as Santa-san

Hi folks! Work pretty much makes getting anything blog-related a real chore these days, but I thought I’d get a bit of early Christmas spirit going by posting a couple of images of Aoi-chan from the awesome, romantic-comedy anime & manga series, Ai Yori Aoshi. For those unfamiliar with this series, the story is about

Why the Harem Genre?

Why the Harem Genre? Considering my nutty schedule this month, which makes watching anime nearly impossible, I was trying to think of some anime or manga-related topic I could discuss. As I looked at my tastes in anime and manga titles, I find that I have a strong preference for the so-called harem titles. So

Aoi Santa-san Comes Early — Because She Can! (Ai Yori Aoshi Love)

Aoi Santa-san Comes Early — Because She Can! (Ai Yori Aoshi Love) ‘Tis a very busy time for old AstroNerdBoy, made more so because of all the fun that happens at year end when it comes to my line of work (that “fun” being added to by Big Brother “caring” for you but that’s another

Back to the Vaults: Ai Yori Aoshi — the Manga!

藍より青し (Manga) Ai Yori Aoshi — the Manga! The only reason to have manga on my bookshelves is to reread it some day. Such is the case with Ai Yori Aoshi, which I decided to dust off and read again after reading the final volume in 2007. I got into this manga series via the

Back to the Vaults 2008 Christmas Special — "Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ Miyuki"

Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ Deep Snow Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ Beautiful Snow 藍より青し ~縁~ 深雪 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kaoru is returning home from his part-time job to pay for school when he sees classmate Tina Foster on the street. He turns down her offer to have dinner, citing other things he has to do. As he
Ai Yori Aoshi Manga Volume 17

Ai Yori Aoshi Volume 17藍より青し Volume 17 (finale) SPOILER Summary: Kaoru arrives at the Sakuraba estate and Kaoru’s half-brother is all upset because only the one who marries Aoi will be the head of the Hanabishi family. Aoi-chan is sympathetic to him and Kaoru makes his bowed appeal to Aoi-chan’s parents. Aoi-chan also has her