Hey gang! Well, after my recent computer woes, I’m about 75% recovered on my main PC, enough so that I’m making my first blog post from it since Friday. However, I’m still way, way behind on watching anime or even reading the last Hayate the Combat Butler chapter. Still, while taking a break and checking
Posts Tagged ‘KILL la KILL’

Some “KILL la KILL” Parody Goodness (And some personal junk as well.)

Some ‘KILL la KILL’ love (and a bit of site news)

Some ‘KILL la KILL’ love (and a bit of site news) Hey y’all! I hope the weekend goes well for you. While traveling the web recently, I happened upon this nifty image from the ever fun series KILL la KILL. I love how it reflects the state of character relationships, based on where they are

KILL la KILL Cosplay Awesomeness!

KILL la KILL Cosplay Awesomeness! After being woken up for work last night, I kinda lost my motivation to do much of anything today. Then, while wasting time not being constructive, I stumbled across this image. Awesome KILL la KILL cosplay of Ryuuko and Mako from a couple of toddler (even though KILL la KILL

KILL la KILL Episode 25 (The OAD Encore and Farewell.)

キルラキル ep. 25 SPOILER Review (OAD) KILL la KILL episode 25 OAD Episode SPOILER Synopsis: With the events dealing with Ragyou completed, in the ruins of Honnouji Academy, Uzu challenges Satsuki to a kendo match as the rest of the Elite Four, Mako, and Ryuuko watch. Satsuki defeats Uzu, after which, he says he couldn’t

KILL la KILL Review — Final Thoughts

KILL la KILL Review — Final Thoughts Although I had not originally planned to watch this anime, I decided to go ahead and give it a go after it was recommended to me. Further adding to the intrigue for me was the fact that KILL la KILL was being done by Trigger, founded by IMAISHI

KILL la KILL Episode 24 (Time for one last fight, and a new beginning.)

キルラキル ep. 24 SPOILER Review Finale KILL la KILL episode 24 Final Episode Synopsis: As the battle rages on, Ragyou unveils her trump card as she forces all Seimeisen to submit, so that even if they are part of Kami robes or Goku robes, they have no power. With that, Ragyou activates the original Seimeisen

KILL la KILL Episode 23 (Penultimate battle.)

キルラキル ep. 23 SPOILER Review KILL la KILL episode 23 Synopsis: Ira, Uzu, and Nonon are somewhat displeased that Mako has a Goku uniform and they don’t, but Iori and Houka have their reasons. As Satsuki and Ryuuko approach the main Seimeisen mass, Ragyou produces two Seimeisen blades, which is how Ryuuko’s scissor blade and

KILL la KILL Episode 22 (“Look, you stupid bastard. You’ve got no arms left!”)

キルラキル ep. 22 SPOILER Review KILL la KILL episode 22 Synopsis: Nui frees herself from Ryuuko’s scissor blade, now having both halves of the giant scissors. Mako tosses Senketsu to Ryuuko, avoiding Nui’s blades, where he is donned by Ryuuko. Ryuuko battles Nui citing Mako and Satsuki having worn Senketsu as why it now fits