FUNiRepBlue just sent me a list of the English dub voice actors in Sasami from the Tenchi Brand Manager at FUNimation. The list will be the character and then the voice actor. AMITAV — J. Michael Tatum ANRI — Brittney Karbowski CHIAKI — Kate Oxley DAIMON — Mike McFarland ENDOU — Jessica Foster GINGI IWAKURA
Posts Tagged ‘news’

New “Slayers” TV series

New “Slayers” TV series ANN is reporting that the latest issue of Dragon Magazine is going to announce on page 24 the creation of a NEW Slayers TV series. I found this quote to be of interest. The official Hajime Kanzaka Fan Club has confirmed (link defunct) the news and added that the project will
Japanese Confectionery Scandal

For those of us who’ve seen a lot of anime titles or read a lot of manga titles (especially those with English adaptations geared with a Japanese perspective in mind) will know of some Japanese foods and deserts. Things like taiyaki, melon pan (or other “pan” products), Pocky Sticks, Christmas cake, or daifuku products are
Tenchi News

Since I know not everyone checks my Tenchi Muyo! FAQ site, I thought I’d share some news provided to me by Atonashi here as well. GXP Novel 4 will be out in a few days, on 8/20. This year’s Summer Comiket started today (8/17) and Kajishima is represented with the usual Kamidake +

Goodbye Anime News Service

Goodbye Anime News Service Well, its time to say goodbye to one of the anime/manga news sites that used to be pretty good for the most part — Anime News Service (Note: the press release at …archives/ansnewsletter.htm has been removed). OK, so they aren’t gone, but instead have taken that giant leap backwards in time