Legalize 2D-Real People Marriages! The Telegraph (in the U.K.) has an article about a new push to have the Japanese law allow people to marry their favorite manga, anime, or game character. There’s apparently over 1000 signatures in the online petition, which will then be presented to the government. What?! I understand the appeal of
Posts Tagged ‘news’
Things to Do in Tokyo — Swim in the Imperial Palace Moat!

Oh, this is just funny and sad at the same time with some 40-year old guy from Spain (though a British citizen) decided that the moat of the Imperial Palace is just too good to pass up for a swim. Here’s a Japanese report. Another Japanese news clip on this. And a video from Sky
Japan and the Space Elevator

A story out of Great Britain tells of the Japanese working on developing a space elevator. I know that the Japanese did not come up with the idea of a space elevator. I first became aware of the concept though Arthur C. Clarke’s books (I don’t remember which one I read first with the concept)
First Slayers REVOLUTION, now Slayers GLORY…um, I mean Slayers EVOLUTION-R

スレイヤーズGLORY Wow. This will blow the minds of some people if what MoonPhase is reporting on their anime schedule page holds true. The fifth Slayers TV series is set to be called Slayers GLORY. That would mean that despite what most people I’ve chatted with expected, Slayers REVOLUTION is only 13-episodes in length. Those people
FUNimation Distributes Some Geneon

Well, as you all know by now, FUNimation will now be distributing some of Geneon’s licenses (as reported here). As I stated in my speculation article on whether FUNimation would get Geneon titles, this is a distribution agreement, which means that these are still Geneon titles, only with FUNimation creating the DVD’s, marketing them, and
Japanese Parrot

I usually don’t post these kind of things because I never know how long the link will last. That said, this story of a Japanese parrot who managed to escape from its human family. When found by the cops, it dissed them, but at the vet hospital, the parrot gave the staff its name, address,
FUNimation’s Forums Are Back!

Issue now resolved. Thanks to Admin for his hard work. The board crashed when the main FUNimation site crashed. Getting FUNimation’s main site up was the main priority. After that, a new location for the forums had to be determined, which took time. Then, there were many patches and fixes that needed to be
Clannad After Story

With the recent Clannad anime ending at a shortened 22 epiosodes (not counting the summer special episode and the OVA/extra episode on the DVD), there had been rumors floating that a sequel might be in the works, especially since the game that the anime is based on continues 10-years after the events of the main