Archive for the ‘Other’ Category

Space Battleship Yamato 2199

Delays, delays!

Delays, delays! Hey gang! After several weeks of very good blogging work, my job has suddenly piled me with more work than I can handle. πŸ˜… But I’ve got to handle it so that means insanely long days where my butt is basically glued to my chair. The only breaks I seem to get are

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Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - 01

Summer 2019 Cour Plans

Summer 2019 Cour Plans Hey gang! As long time readers may have noticed, I’ve had a serious uptick in blog postings of late. I actually did 25 blog posts last month. 😲 I haven’t blogged that much since September 2016.Β  My road trip in May helped recharge my batteries big time. Plus, I dropped some

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Picnic Azur Lane

Happy July 4, 2019, America!

Happy July 4, 2019, America! Hey gang! First, let me say to all of my American friends and readers, “Happy July 4th!” Granted, most folks have little understanding of what the day really is supposed to mean. For most, it is a day off from work, so time to fire up the grill and enjoy

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Anime Computer

Delays, Delays

Delays, Delays Hey gang! Since I’m currently traveling to and fro, most days, my Internet access is limited at best, and none many times (including cell coverage). πŸ˜… I already knew this would be the case before I hit the road. However, I also knew that there would be some days where I’d have good

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Lupin III Lupin Jigan Goemon Zenigata

Farewell to “Lupin III” Creator, Monkey Punch

Farewell to “Lupin III” Creator, Monkey Punch I was sad to hear the news yesterday that the creator of Lupin III, Monkey Punch (real name KATOU Kazuhiko), had passed away on April 11. He was 81 years old. My Introduction to Monkey Punch In an odd sort of way, Monkey Punch was responsible for my

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Fate/Grand Order Rakes in $3 Billion Globally!

Fate/Grand Order Rakes in $3 Billion Globally! Mobile games are a big money maker. They make so much money, PC game companies decided to get in on the microtransactions bandwagon with many modern games. So when I hear that Fate/Grand Order has raked in $3 billion in global sales, I’m not at all surprised. The

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Fate/Apocrypha 18

The Idiotic “Waifu” Controversy Returns

The Idiotic “Waifu” Controversy Returns I really have come to loathe the outrage culture that is in place today in America. Elements of people addicted to outrage have always been there. When I was a teenager, there was no social media to help fuel outrage. However, there were a few outrage groups (usually professing themselves

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Happy Valentine's Day 2019

Happy Valentine’s Day 2019, Railgun Style (And some housekeeping.)

Happy Valentine’s Day 2019, Railgun Style Hey gang! Happy Valentine’s Day, for all of you who have a special someone to celebrate with. And if not, well have a great day just the same. I still need to watch the most recent Index series, though the official subtitles I saw when I glanced at an

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