ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 85 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta is tasked with defeating the magic beast he initially encountered, but it easily squashes him, forcing him to stay in the ground for a week. He emerges to tell the tale to Kirie, Santa, and Kuroumaru. Kuroumaru notices Touta’s positive attitude, leading Kirie to think
Posts Tagged ‘AKAMATSU Ken’

UQ Holder Chapter 84 Manga Review (“Heeere’s Johnny!”)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 84 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta defends Kitty (Eva) from Dana, somehow sending seeming to obliterate her. Kitty is impressed by this, though Touta doesn’t know how he did it. Kitty wants to have him try it again, so she uses her ice magic on him, but he’s encased in ice.

UQ Holder Chapter 83 Manga Review (Time for a new main character.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 83 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta meditates and has the balls orbiting him and the hoops twirling above him as Dana nods off while observing him. Touta’s thoughts are interrupted when a giant dragonfly lands on him. Touta freaks out as Dana wakes up, and though Touta’s heart stops because the

UQ Holder Chapter 82 Manga Review (The ultimate shounen MC is here!)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 82 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Dana sends Kuroumaru to defeat a massive dragon in a week in Kuroumaru’s own homeland, even though it would take five Shinmeiryuu masters to do such a task in a week. Santa is sent to Inverse Mars, where he has to battle a hoard of giant,

UQ Holder Chapter 81 Manga Review (To steal a march on a rotten witch.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 81 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: It has been three days since Touta’s training started, so Dana goes to check on him, only to find him cheerful, alert, and doing well. Touta reveals that he now understands the purpose behind Dana’s training. In a flashback, Kitty (Eva) sees the training Touta

UQ Holder Chapter 80 Manga Review (A new ship sets sail.)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 80 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Touta finds himself alone in bed as Eva comes in to kill Dana. She speaks Japanese and when asked, tells Touta that she’s going to kill Dana in order to escape this place. Touta tries to ask her if her name is Yukihime, but she turns

UQ Holder Chapter 79 Manga Review (“Fear and terror, or beauty.”)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 79 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Kirie struggles with the 50 laps that Dana has assigned the immortals, but Touta is excited by this. Kirie tires of Dana’s basic training, but when she attempts to leave, she discovers that Dana controls access to the outside world, thus doors in her castle lead

UQ Holder Chapter 78 Manga Review (“A grown man shouldn’t be so quick to grovel!”)

ユーキューホルダー! Manga Review UQ Holder Chapter 78 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Eva, speaking a foreign language, is not interested Touta, though she does notice he’s not a normal human. She darts off to the end of the balcony and leaps off to a bridge, so Touta follows her. They arrive at the tower at the end of