フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 13 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Ryuunosuke and Caster arrive at their former hideout to discover it has been destroyed. Ryuunosuke weeps for the lost “art” of theirs, so Caster comforts him. The two end up talking about God and Ryuunosuke’s beliefs in what God is, including the fact that if God didn’t get enjoyment
Posts Tagged ‘Fate-Zero’

Fate/Zero – 12

フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 12 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Emiya gets a report from Maiya regarding Assassin and strategies accordingly, paying close attention to Kirei. Tohsaka gets a report from Kirei and decides it’s time to have Archer take out their enemies. Kirei goes to see Archer, who has a modified chess board with pieces representing the Servants,

Fate/Zero – 11

フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 11 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: At their castle hideout, Saber and Iri sense the arrival of Rider and Waver and are concerned since Emiya is away. However, Rider has not come to fight, but to drink and to talk, having brought a barrel of wine. However, Rider is not impressed with the state of

Fate/Zero – 10

フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: In the days before the Holy Grail War, Tohsaka teaches his daughter Rin form magic. At school, she befriends a shy and somewhat timid girl named Kotone after defending her from some bullies. Sometime after Rin and her mother are moved to a safer location due to the start

Fate/Zero – 09

フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 09 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: The injured Kayneth awakens from a dream where he saw Lancer in the past, as Dairmuid, and his lover Gráinne, who was betrothed to another, older man named Fionn. Because Dairmuid ran away with Gráinne to be married in spite of her own status, he was eventually tracked down

Fate/Zero – 08

フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 08 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: In the mansion, Emiya springs his surprise weapon on Kayneth, penetrating his mercury barrier and injuring the man before fleeing, leaving the enraged Kayneth to follow. Outside, Maiya is escorting Iri to safety when Iri senses Kirei approaching. She convinces Maiya to stay and prevent Kirei from reaching Emiya

Fate/Zero – 07

フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 07 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: At the scene of the hotel bombing, a giant sphere of what looks to be mercury is found and the order is given to take it away. Meanwhile, Risei issues the official rule change to have everyone target Caster and his Master with a reward of an extra command

Fate/Zero – 06

フェイト/ゼロ Fate/Zero – 06 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Iri is having a blast driving Saber through a mountainous road at high speeds during the evening when Saber as them stop as Caster is in the road, waiting for them. Caster identifies himself as Gilles de Rais and thinks that Saber is Jeanne d’Arc. When Saber says she