SPY×FAMILY Volume 03 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 03 from Amazon.com! I couldn’t wait to dive into SPY×FAMILY Volume 03 as I really enjoy this fun parody world of 1960s East and West Berlin, done Japanese style. This volume pretty much wraps up what the anime adapted, but has a new, long, omake
Posts Tagged ‘Spy x Family’

SPY×FAMILY Volume 02 Manga Review (#Spy_Family)

SPY×FAMILY Volume 02 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 02 from Amazon.com! The SPY×FAMILY anime may be over, but at least there’s the source manga to read. And since SPY×FAMILY Volume 02 was covered by the anime, I’m curious to see what changes the anime may have made. * * * S P O

Spy×Family 12 (Omake Story #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 12 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Twilight visits the Subway Store (kiosk), run by an elderly operative of WISE. She gives him a new, side mission. After successfully completing the mission, an exhausted Twilight returns home. He discovers his female neighbors negatively gossiping about him and his frequent late nights or absences. As such, he decides to

Spy×Family 11 (Starlight Hero #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 11 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis A worried and annoyed Anya watches her cartoons as Twilight looks at her failing grades. When her show is over, Anya protests having to study and do homework. She internally cites her failure to read the correct minds during the test for her failure. Twilight considers ways to falsely give Anya

Spy×Family 10 (Dodgeball! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 10 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Damian hears the rumors that the MVP of the dodgeball event will earn a Stella. As such, he’s determined to win to step out of his older brother’s shadow and gain acceptance from his father. Anya also hears these rumors and is determined to earn a Stella to help Twilight’s mission.

Spy×Family 09 (Marital Adventures #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 09 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Yuri demands to see Loid (Twilight) and Yor kiss to prove their marriage isn’t a sham. Twilight moves in, but Yor decides she can’t do this without a large helping of wine. She flings a fork at Yuri when he protests her moving in on Twilight. He recalls being a kid

Spy×Family 08 (The Visit! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 08 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis At school, Anya gets a math fractions question horribly wrong. At Yor’s official job, the Secret Police arrest a manager for selling secrets. The office ladies discuss things, including the fact that Yor hasn’t told her little brother Yuri about her marriage. Meanwhile, at the Secret Police HQ, they have roughed

Spy×Family 07 (Under Pressure! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 07 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis At breakfast, Anya tearfully apologizes for getting into a fight at school, all but destroying Twilight’s “Plan B”. Anya boards the school bus and Twilight asks her to apologize to Damian. At school, Anya sees Becky get out of a limo. When the driver addresses Becky as “Becky-ojousama”, Anya is impressed.