Spy×Family 14 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Yor knocks out one terrorists and sends Kieth and his dog fleeing. Anya apologizes to her adoptive mother for leaving her. However, when Anya sees the future though the big white dog who saved her, she realizes her papa, Twilight, is going to die in a bombing unless she does something.
Posts Tagged ‘Spy x Family’

SPY×FAMILY Volume 07 Manga Review (#Spy_Family)

SPY×FAMILY Volume 07 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 07 from Amazon.com! I had planned to write a review for SPY×FAMILY Volume 07 earlier. Then I realized that I still hadn’t read it. 😅 But now that the second season of the anime is out, I carved out some time to finally read this

Spy×Family 13 (Sh*tty CR Sh*t! #SPY_FAMILY)

Spy×Family 13 SPOILER Summary/Synopsis Anya is excited as Twilight is going to reward her Stella achievement with the purchase of a dog. However, the first pet shop they enter, run by Twilight’s agency, only has scary dogs. Twilight and Yor take Anya to a dog adoption event. Anya loves all of the small, cute dogs.

SPY×FAMILY Volume 06 Manga Review (#Spy_Family)

SPY×FAMILY Volume 06 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 06 from Amazon.com! Since I have some time off, it is time to dive into SPY×FAMILY Volume 06 and continue to enjoy this excellent series. * * * S P O I L E R S ! * * * The Story, in Brief Fiona

SPY×FAMILY Volume 05 Manga Review (#Spy_Family)

SPY×FAMILY Volume 05 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 05 from Amazon.com! I have some time off, so it was time to return to the wonder, parody world of 1960s East/West Germany. And man, there’s some lovely stuff here. * * * S P O I L E R S ! * *

Favorites (Anime, Manga, and More)

Favorites (Anime, Manga, and More) Hey gang. I’m running behind, so I wanted to do a quick and dirty post. It has relevance to the blog as many of the questions are anime/manga related. Note that this is my current stance on favorites, which can change over time. So without further ado, here goes. Favorite

SPY×FAMILY Volume 04 Manga Review (#Spy_Family)

SPY×FAMILY Volume 04 Manga Review スパイファミリー –> Buy SPY×FAMILY Volume 04 from Amazon.com! I’d been looking forward to this fourth entry in the SPY×FAMILY manga series. That’s because with the exception of one omake chapter, all of the material would be new. And to quote Anya, that is “so exciting!” * * * S P

Fall 2022 Anime I’m Looking Forward To

Fall 2022 Anime I’m Looking Forward To I didn’t watch any new anime series for the Summer 2022 cour. But there are anime titles I really want to watch for Fall 2022. As such, I figured I’d spell them out. SPY×FAMILY Part 2 I don’t know if SPY×FAMILY will get the “Part 2” moniker or