Posts Tagged ‘Hayate no Gotoku’

Hayate no Gotoku 20

SPOILER Summary: Nagi is dressed for school, which shocks Hayate until he remembers that it is summer vacation. As such, Nagi has big plans to goof off and spend time with Hayate. As the trio of girls from Katsura-sensei’s class pay a visit on their favorite teacher (calling her “Katsura-chan”), Hayate inquires of Maria about

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Hayate no Gotoku 19

SPOILER Summary: Nagi is in her rec room watching a horror movie. She remarks to Hayate and Maria that she’ll apparently die if she doesn’t show the movie to two other people within one week. Hayate freaks because its the same curse as in “the circular movie.” This causes Nagi and and Maria to laugh

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Hayate no Gotoku 18

SPOILER Summary: Its time for the beach and Nagi pays for most of the characters we’ve met from her school to head to Hakuou Academy’s Hakuou Island for “beach classes.” Hina doesn’t come (hates planes) and Isumi gets lost (of course). While Maria doesn’t come, Klaus and Tama do, even if they mostly sleep. At

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Hayate no Gotoku 17

SPOILER Summary: Nagi promises an episode filled with a slide-show of her manga work, but Hayate foils that. Meanwhile, Nagi receives another rejection of her manga submission from a contest. This leads to her screaming in frustration which brings Hayate running. Nagi has been told she doesn’t have enough life experiences, and so decides that

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Hayate no Gotoku 16

Sorry for the delays. I’ve had major computer problems. ^_^; SPOILER Summary: Hayate has just been challenged and is supposed to fight Azumamiya’s butler Nonohara. However, because Azumamiya started the fight and then called Nonohara to fight it for him, Nonohara feels he must teach his young master a lesson and proceeds to give Azumamiya

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Hayate no Gotoku 15

SPOILER Summary: In an apartment, Nishizawa-san attempts to wolf down an entire large pizza and wonders what Hayate had for dinner. In his room, Hayate awakens and pulls out his student ID card, happy his return to school wasn’t just a dream. And so he vows to be the best he can be. He immediately

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Hayate no Gotoku 14

SPOILER Thoughts: Hayate is confident that he passed the entrance exam despite everything that had been done to him by Tama, Klaus, and Katsura-sensei in episode 13. As such, he and Nagi are playing a racing game and Hayate feels lucky that the test was multiple choice. When he beats Nagi at the game, he

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Hayate no Gotoku 13

SPOILER Summary: Hayate is polishing a glass and wonders what Nishizawa-san is doing. In town, she sneezes and checks out several eating places before settling on an empty one to fill up on deserts. She wonders what Hayate is doing which causes him to sneeze back at the mansion. He remembers the events of episode

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