Hey gang! Well, after my recent computer woes, I’m about 75% recovered on my main PC, enough so that I’m making my first blog post from it since Friday. However, I’m still way, way behind on watching anime or even reading the last Hayate the Combat Butler chapter. Still, while taking a break and checking
Posts Tagged ‘Images’

Some “KILL la KILL” Parody Goodness (And some personal junk as well.)

A late “Happy Valentine’s Day” (and some housekeeping)

A late “Happy Valentine’s Day” (and some housekeeping) Hi folks! Happy Valentines Day for those of you with sweeties. Although I’m not in that crowd, I do appreciate things for those who are. π As a result, here’s a lovely image from Fate/Zero, showing Iri, Ilya, and Saber, all looking very lovely. It made me

Some ‘KILL la KILL’ love (and a bit of site news)

Some ‘KILL la KILL’ love (and a bit of site news) Hey y’all!Β I hope the weekend goes well for you. While traveling the web recently, I happened upon this nifty image from the ever fun series KILL la KILL. I love how it reflects the state of character relationships, based on where they are

KILL la KILL Cosplay Awesomeness!

KILL la KILL Cosplay Awesomeness! After being woken up for work last night, I kinda lost my motivation to do much of anything today. Then, while wasting time not being constructive, I stumbled across this image. Awesome KILL la KILL cosplay of Ryuuko and Mako from a couple of toddler (even though KILL la KILL

Grand Theft Auto: Lucky City

Grand Theft Auto: Lucky City The other day, I did a post featuring an anime-themed parody of the Call of Duty called Call of Oniichan.Β Naturally, I’d accidentally find another game parody, this time featuring some of the cast of Lucky Star and titled Grand Theft Auto: Lucky City. I’ve never seen nor read Lucky

FPS Game Series: Call of Oniichan!

Hey folks! From time to time, I’m made aware of things anime/manga/Japan related which will make me laugh enough that I just have to share the love. Apparently, some time back, someone made this parody game cover of the Call of Duty first person shooter series and named it Call of Oniichan: Modern Loli. This

Happy New Years 2015!

Happy New Years 2015! Happy New Year, everyone! Man, it has been an interesting year for me to be sure. I’m sure that 2015 will prove to be even more interesting. But, maybe I’ll get my longtime wish to be able to work from home, at least most of the time. That would be awesomeness.

Merry Christmas 2014!

Merry Christmas, 2014! Hey everyone! Well, it is that time of year again, so I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. ^_^ I hope everyone has a good day today. As for me, well, it looks like a white Christmas in my neck of the woods. So I’m staying